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COMPLETE RANGE OF MACHINES » LOG SAWING » VTZ 1400 / 1600 PLUS – vertical band saw

VTZ 1400 / 1600 PLUS – vertical band saw

The SUPER FAST sawmill!

1400 PLUS

1200 mm

60-150 m3/8h

1400 mm




1600 PLUS

1300 mm

70-180 m3/8h


1600 mm




The VTZ PLUS is MEBOR’s exceptionally FAST vertical band sawmill system, designed for high capacity as well as quality-oriented sawing. Its SMART design combines speed, energy efficiency and high recovery of wood.

Key features:

  • HEAVY-DUTY band saw headrig, for high precision sawing,
  • tilted carriage at 17° allows shock-free reception of sawn boards with top face upwards,
  • SUPER FAST, SERVO electric carriage drive for return speeds up to 240 m/min,
  • INDEPENDENT, SERVO positioning of headblocks for optimal log positioning and highest recovery of wood,
  • energy saving through: SMART, optimized carriage structure; smart hydraulic power unit; transfer of excess energy between drives.


FAQ: When to choose vertical band saw vs. horizontal?

When you need production levels exceeding of what the HTZ 1300 PLUS band saw can do. Due to higher investment, the vertical sawmill system makes sense only when it is exceptionally fast, such as the VTZ PLUS.



Band Saw Headrig

PLC control

on headrig for electronic ajdustment of blade alignment – extends blade life.

Tilted Sawmill Carriage

Hydraulic CLAMPS

(dogs) with adjustable clamping depth and automatic PULL-IN function.

Sawmill Control


with professional operator’s station with all in-one joystick.

PLC control

15’’ touch screen and time saving features: • automated log positioning + automated size selection, • automated HANDS-FREE sawing sequence. Option: log scanning with optimisation.

Slab chipper - canter

BM 900

The BM 900 slab chipper – canter is designed for Mebor’s VTZ 1400/1600 PLUS band saws with the VZH 1200 SUPER FAST log carriage. The canter naturally brings a higher production and also eliminates the need to collect and transport waste slabs. The canter head is...

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