HTZ 1100 PRO – horizontal band saw

Versatile, productive and precise!



1000 mm





38 m3/8h





1100 mm


















Speed of functioning

Speed of sawing

Productivity:up to 38 m3/8h*
Max. log diameter:1000 mm
Max. cutting width:1000 mm
Max. log length:custom made
Diameter of flywheels:1100 mm
Width of flywheels:120 mm
Blade length:7200 mm
Blade width:140** mm
Blade thickness:1,2 mm
Approximate weight:5500 - 7500 kg***
Width:3110 mm
Total height (blade in highest position):3050 mm
Total length:log length + 3,5m
Main motor power:18,5/22/30/37 kW
* depends on log sizes, sawn wood dimensions, machine’s configuration etc.
** blades for two sided cutting are 20 mm wider
*** depends on machine’s configuration

The HTZ 1100 PRO is a fast, versatile band saw. Suitable for either production or quality oriented sawmills, who are looking at lowering their operation costs, while increasing quality of sawn wood and production. Available with Mebor’s innovative double cut system with automatic board removal.

Key features:

  • fast & precise servo controlled blade positioning (precision +/- 0,05 mm),
  • all in one log manoeuvring for best recovery,
  • able to split logs up to 900 mm in diameter,
  • best performance in the price range.

Band Saw Head Equipment

Band Saw Bed - Log Manoeuvring Equipment

Board Removal Equipment


Band Saws Compare Table

Max.Log diameter (mm)Productivity (m3/8h) *Blade width (mm) **Main motor power (kW)Approximate weight (kg) ***Product
900up to 2510011/15/18,5/222900 - 3800HTZ 800
900up to 2510011/15/18,5/222900 - 3800HTZ 800 Mobile
900up to 2712011/15/18,5/22/303800 - 5000HTZ 1000
900up to 2712011/15/18,5/22/303800 - 5000HTZ 1000 Mobile
1000up to 3812018,5/22/30/375500 - 7500HTZ 1100 PRO
1000up to 3812018,5/22/30/375500 - 7500HTZ 1100 Mobile
1200up to 3514030/37/45/555500 - 7000HTZ 1200 Professional
1200up to 3514030/37/45/556000 - 7500HTZ 1200 SP
1200up to 6016037/45/5511000 - 14000HTZ 1200 PLUS
1250up to 48/8018055/7514000 - 17000HTZ 1300 PLUS
1600up to 5016037/45/5515000 - 18000HTZ 1200 SP EXTREME 15
1800up to 5016037/45/55/7520000 - 24000HTZ 1200 SP EXTREME 18
2000up to 65/9020690/11025000 - 32000HTZ 1400 SP EXTREME 20

* depends on log sizes, sawn wood dimensions, machine’s configuration etc
** blades for two sided cutting are 20 mm wider
*** depends on machine's configuration

About Mebor Band Saws

Mebor System® is our own system of horizontal band saws, which sets us apart from our competitors. With a Mebor band saw you will increase your productivity and yield, as well as decrease labour costs.

Wood is unpredictable and for this reason Mebor band saws have a strong and robust construction. It guarantees reliability of functioning and minimises maintenance costs.

Band saws adapted for your needs – for small and big sawmills. Every Mebor band saw is custom made; therefore we supply each customer an optimal band saw for his needs. We will advise which model is most suitable for your needs and requirements. We will also adjust the configuration of the band saw; for example the distances between clamps according to the lengths of logs, equipment etc.

Automatic board removing (Mebor System® )

We were the first to introduce the board removing system, which saves your time. After the band saw cuts a board, the board pusher pushes it off the band saw bed during the return of the band saw head. Simple and automatic, with no manual work.

Automatic functioning - Mebor System® Labour costs present a big share of costs in sawmills. Regardless of whether it is a small model, or a bigger and faster Mebor band saw model, all of them include automatic guidance. If necessary, this allows the operator to also stack boards on his own, simultaneously during sawing! As it is a one man operation, the labour costs are minimised. The operator should focus on the productivity, quality of wood and output, not on the machine operation. This is done instead of you by the Mebor band saw and you can increase the profit of your company. The control is simple and user friendly. Our customers learn how to operate the machine in a few hours.

Mebor System® leads the operator during cutting. It provides important information, which helps him choose the optimal cutting for best output. Manual control is also available for less demanding users.

Full log manoeuvring equipment is available for fast and effortless work.

Quick and low cost installation Mebor band saws are installed in one day and do not require any special foundations. Precision of cutting is ensured by the solid construction and wide blades. All Mebor band saws are using wide blades (80-210 mm wide). The fact is that wide blades provide higher sawing speed, as well as better sawing precision. The high quality of your products will increase the satisfaction of your customers.

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