processing time is down, production is up and our cutting accuracy is pinpoint


The installation of the ‘Mighty MEBOR’ (HTZ 1200 EXTREME 15) has greatly increased our capacity to saw timber. Our processing time is down, production is up and our cutting accuracy is pinpoint! Hand-ling and manipulating large, heavy oak logs is no longer a problem.

Mr. Jamie Kirkman,
Balcombe Estate Sawmill,
England, UK


Mr. Jamie Kirkman,
Balcombe Estate Sawmill,
England, UK

HTZ 1200 EXTREME 15 The installation of the ‘Mighty MEBOR’ (HTZ 1200 EXTREME 15) has greatly increased our capacity to saw timber. Our processing time is down, production is up and our cutting accuracy is pinpoint! Hand-ling and manipulating large, heavy oak logs is no longer a problem.

"To use the tools, use a desktop computer."

"To use these tools, you need to get in touch with a person from the MEBOR team!"
